Yipee and Eiya!
I am still collecting data on my ability to concentrate, memorize and learn through my expereince with the Italian software. It seems I am very good at comprehending and memorizing simple concerete information, but recieve lower marks on more abstract and complex ideas. I also cannot be infront of a computer for more than 30-40 mins. My eyes already feel strained by looking at the computer for an hour now.
I have been trying to locate information on 'incompetence' in the Employment Standards Act and the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board Collective Agreement, but have not been able to locate the information. I want to see if my symptoms follow under that category or whether I can make a strong case that claim does not apply to me. My overall goal now is to be laid off at the end of the school year so that I can still apply for E.I if need be and looking for a new job would not look as bad if I were to be fired or quit. I want to make it as difficult as possible for the board to fire me under certain grounds. Well until then, I will keep dancing and smiling...