Sunday, June 25, 2006

Growing up as first generation Canadian and Black Blood

What is it about slippers and ethnic parents? Although children may see a knuckle, fist, hanger, spatula, or belt, it seems that the slipper is the favorite form of disciplinary action. Sometimes I find it quite amusing listening to how other children was raised in comparison to myself. I have traveled across the world and encountered people from all nationalities and races, it does seem that the slipper bonds us.

I am currently reading Black Blood by F.G. Paci, because I would be terribly upset at myself if I lost a gift someone gave me. I shall leave Black Blood and Shopaholic Takes Manhattan at home. I thought for a fleeting moment that I might bring Yeats is Dead! but I bought in Australia and I have already lost too many things in Ontario that were from Australia. Yes, I will end up bringing Giorgio Vasari’s Lives of the Saints, because it ties in nicely with my trip.

Black Blood opens with the line “It’s been 25 or 30 years since my last confession.” It immediately reminded me of most favorite opening line, “Bless me, Reader, for I have sinned. Since my last confession, which was more than fifty years ago, I have committed the following sins…” If you are wondering who came up with that brilliant line, just open up Laurence Olivier’s Confessions of an Actor.

I enjoy reading Black Blood because it reminds me how universal life can be at times. The story is set during my parent’s generation and reminds me of my father’s upbringing. I occasionally jot down pages, which I will share with my father. I think he would appreciate the description and characterization. He hates reading novels, so I have been searching on and off for some short stories by F.G. Paci that I could share with him.

There is one scene near the beginning of the tale that made me a bit queasy, because I am not accustom to reading accounts of a six year old male loosing his virginity. I am also equally uncomfortable with the thought of a ten-year-old girl having an orgasm; but the story captivates its audience and compels them to continue reading anyways.

I wish I could write better, but alas my mind has turned into mush. I think I shall retire for the evening and continue reading the book.


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