the men at my school...

One of my co-workers always get grossed out by the Gremlin in the jar. She swears she sees it move sometimes!
The one intriguing aspect of the school was that the staff was segregated by gender. It appeared that all the women would sit and gossip together, while the men conversed elsewhere. I then found it ironic that it was the men that welcomed me to the school.
I guess you could say that I found their company soothing after the unpleasant encounter with my former teacher and that it made me feel safer somehow knowing that they were there.
We would end up sharing several memories together either sitting on a bus and talking or sitting on the bridge at wonderland and telling each other about our day. It could be sharing breakfast and other stories about our lives.
One of the men would offer me a ride home and share resources with me. He was always great for a laugh and to calm me down after a long stressful day. We shared some common interests and although I was a bit skeptical of him at first because of one of his interests, he soon became someone I would respect and admire. I would later meet his family and stroll through his property on a nice summer day. He would explain each thing and I would watch him toss a stick to his dog wishing I could never leave this place. I would learn so much from him and feel deeply honored that he actually took the time to get to know me a bit better.
There would be other men who would give mysterious answers to everything, but you knew he would always be there to advise you and help you out. He would take interest in what you had to say and share mementos too. He would often make me laugh with his funny dress ups and sometimes I came down hard on him...perhaps too hard for someone who really tried to make a difference and welcome me in.
I would develop another bond with a man over the coffee machine as he would enter in and out of the room searching for that perfect cup of coffee. He too would become someone I could relate too and respect for marrying someone of another race. We would end up sitting on a deck laughing, drinking and having a great time.
The youngest was by far the most cheerful, because he would sing these ditties every morning and truly brighten the day just by entering the room. We would end up strolling through three acres of land where he pointed out these ruins, gardens, trees and other interesting ancedotes as the other men joined us.
Another man would share a book with me called Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. He reminded me of John Malovich and he has a brilliant mind. He always comes up with the best one liners and hides his wit for the best moments. We would talk of our common interest in one of the stories in the National Post. I enjoyed his company so much that one day I got in trouble for talking to him instead of watching my kids during activities day. I really hope that one day he can write that book, "Teach!".
Another man would share Irish history lesson with me and point out interesting things I could do on my trip to Ireland. He would draw me maps of Belfast and even offered to show me around while I was in the city. He also does the greatest impersonnations that makes me laugh. We had heaps of fun watching the England game on the big screen in the caf. He also sends me these delightful how to speak with an Irish accent emails and I can be sure we will have a grand time.
The last man is the one I am closest to. I really don't know what it would be like without having him in the lunch room every day. He has this crisp, fresh, witty and exciting writing style that I truly enjoy. I hate reading novels, but I have already begun reading my fourth book by him. I am really not too sure how we bonded, but we do seem like an unlikely pairing. lol. I would miss him if I did not get a chance to see him a certain day as someone would miss a close friend that they normally see every day. I would look forward to hearing his opinion on movies and literature along with stories about his life. Although I did not always like how his usual routine with one of the men in my workroom, I did appreciate that was just another aspect of who he was in the staffroom. I always felt lucky just to be sitting with him and enjoying our time. I guess it is not everyday that you befriend someone you respect and admire so much. I am forever grateful that his parting gift to me was one of his books signed with a special note. I would still like his books to be transformed into movies and perhaps I will not let go of my passion for film just yet....perhaps I can linger in my fantasies of returning to my true passion and mingle with some people who may take interest in this man's work.
I am also grateful to other members of the staff, but not so much as one of the vice principals who took me under her wing right from the beginning. I always appreciated her honesty and ability to talk bluntly rather than be so bloody diplomatic. She gave me tips on how to teach English and only once lost her temper with me after I repeated the same mistake over and over and over and over and over and over. I knew I could always talk to her and was moved when she seemed genuinely hurt that I did not tell her about my grade nine teacher until the end. She kept saying she would have moved me out of that workroom, but I didn't know how to convey that if I were moved I would have never met all of these wonderful men. Although it may take one man to destroy any sense of happiness, it would take seven or eight men to create an experience I will never forget.
As I pack up and head out back to my bus stop, I think of all the events that happened this year. Although at first it seemed like I would get lost in this huge jungle of emotions, I know that I will find my own path.
There are so many possiblities where my life may lead and so many paths I may
but as I head off to a new future, there is one song that keeps playing in mymind.
"It's a new dawn
It's a new day
It's a new life for me
And I'm feeling good."
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