Saturday, July 01, 2006

facts about ireland

Man this is taking a while just to upload ten photos. I have 117 in total. I deleted them off my memory card so I am going to have to upload them all so I can purchase them later. Anyways, I learned a few interesting things about local Ireland. The licence plates here are organized by the last two digits of the year you purchased it followed by one or two letters of where the car is from and then followed by how many makes of the car are in your reigion. For example, let us pretend you bought you car in 2001, Dublin and there are 3235 other cars in Dublin made in 2001. Your licence plate would be 01 D 3235. Some places have more than one alphabet, since there are 26 counties. Let us us the same information, but change the location to Limerick. It would read 01 LK 3235.

I also learned that Dublin (of Dvblin) is 1000 years old, but 41% of the population is under 25 making it the youngest city in the E.U. Well time to check those photos again.


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