Sunday, July 09, 2006

just when you thought it couldn't get any worse....

Hello everyone,

The most ironic thing happened today. I was thinking about how I asked my mother to bring my travel documents and flight tickets, but she was scared she would loose them and told me to hold onto them. Well now it seems that someone has stolen my Trafalgar tour tickets, Globus Tour tickets and Luftansa/ Alitalia tickets. The only thing I have left is my etickets, which can take me to Scotland today.

I of course freaked out. I started balling and crying non stop. I kept mumbling "No! No! I can't take this anymore! Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." between my great sobs and my body slumped over my backpack. Then I thought to myself, "Well at least you still have your passport, wallet and clothes." I then went over to the vistor accomodation at Trinity College and began weeping about the whole thing and asked if i could have more time to check out. They agreed.

So here I am now. I am happy that Iris wrote to me and I have printed out her emails. I also printed Vera's too. I am trying to hang in there and even bought myself a little friend. It's a tiny lamb, because I think I am going to need to hold onto something soon.

Talk to you soon.


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