Saturday, July 08, 2006

walking on the edge of the olde world part one

The juggler told me that what the lady had said was true, but not true as well. He could sense my deep disapointment that I would travel across the nation only to discover what I had most wanted to see was not really there at all. He told me I would see a sign that says do not go any further, but most people travel along the path and you could spend hours there exploring the cliffs.

You can imagine my surprise (and yet I expected it all along) when I saw most of the cliffs were baricaded, because they were constructing a vistor centre for 2007 and shut every thing down except for a small lookout. Yes there was that sign that said not to go any further. I actually turned around to walk back to the parking lot with a strong sadness when I turned around for one last look and saw several people on the forbidden path. So I said, what the heck and went anyways.

Since most of the 'forbidden path' is private property, there is only a thin trail that crawls along the cliff's edge. The brave people boldly strided along this path as they headed towards an abandonded tower on the most westernly point. The scaredy cats like myself decided to walk with the cows on the private property away from the thin trail. There were moments when the 'two paths' would merge and by this time I had my took on. I believed that if I kept my took on it would block out the rough winds and I could maintain my balance because the wind would not reach my ears. I also thought that if I sat down when it became windy I could wait until there was a break and then continue with my journey towards the tower. This proved to be quite successful. It was at this time that I concluded that no one under 130 pounds could journey so far towards the tower due to the wind. You needed to be a bit stocky so that the wind doesn't bother you at all.

I was always amazed to see people discover the Cliff's motto "walking on the edge of the olde world" on their own and would take pictures of it.


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